Case 17 - I've Got Your Back!

Author: Gokul Sagar Bailur Reviewer(s): Nick Mani/Nish Cherian

An 80-year old male presents to ED after a fall down the stairs, sustaining multiple posterior and lateral rib fractures with haemothorax on CT. He has been given IV paracetamol and morphine but continues to be in significant pain, unable to deep breathe, cough or mobilise.

You elect to perform an ultrasound-guided regional anaesthetic as part of a multi-modal pain management strategy.



General Approach to Scanning for ESP Block

The patient can be positioned either sitting up or lateral decubitus position.

The linear (or curvilinear depending on the body habitus) probe is placed in a cranio-caudal orientation just medial to the scapula. It is usually at the level of the 5th rib or lower depending on the level of the rib fractures (as a plane block usually covers 3 rib levels cranial and caudal from the injection site level). This level could be located by counting down the ribs either manually, or with ultrasound visualisation.

Visualise the ribs which have a rounded contour and underlying pleura. Slide the probe medially towards parasagittal plane, and carefully look for transition of the rounded ribs to a tombstone/square-shaped transverse process (TP) of the spine.

Insert the needle either cranially or caudally aiming for the TP either corner/tip with the aim of injecting local anaesthetic +/-dexamethasone just below the Erector Spinae muscle, lifting the muscle off the TP. 5-10ml of saline could be first injected to open up the plane.

Case Resolution

The patient’s pain dramatically improved following the block and he was able to deep breathe, cough and mobilise. The patient was admitted under the Thoracic surgery team for further assessment and management.

Take Home message

  • Single shot ultrasound guided ESPB is effective and safe in patients with posterolateral (and anterolateral) multiple rib fractures.



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